Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-27
Language :
Konu :
Number of pages: 107-128
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Bu çalışmada, tarım sektörünün hangi ilke, amaç ve hedeflerle planlarda yer aldığı, ilk dört plan çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. 1963-1980 döneminde tarım sektöründeki gelişmeler; ekim alanları, kullanılan makine, gübre, üretim miktarı, verimlilik, istihdam, ihracat ve tarımın GSMH’daki payları dikkate alınarak incelenmiş ve ilk dört plan döneminde genel olarak plan hedeflerinin gerisinde kalınsa da tarım sektöründe önemli gelişmelerin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.



In this study, the principles, goals and objectives of the agricultural sector were examined within the framework of the first four plans. Developments in the agricultural sector in the period of 1963-1980; cultivation areas, machinery used, fertilizer, production amount, productivity, employment, export and agriculture's shares in GNP were examined. Although it generally lagged behind the plan targets in the first four plan periods, it was determined that there were important developments in the agricultural sector.


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  • Erişim: , 13.09.2020.

  • With Marshall help program, after the year 1948, it is seen that mechanization in agricul-

  • tural sector was advanced and thus, beginning from 1950s, rate of the agriculture in total

  • cultural products would be increased at a level of 7,2 percent in the period of 1979-1983.

  • amount of fixed capital investments in thsi period was 1578,8 billion TRL with 1978 pir-

  • re significantly changed; While in 1963 1.963.632wooden plows, 50.844 tractors and 5931

  • 13.667 in 1980. The amount of chemical fertilizer used in 1960 was 107 thousands tonnes

  • whereas quantity of chemical fertilizers used in 1976 was 5.972 tonnes. These increases

  • development. In 1963, rate of agriculture sector in GNDP was 34,6%, and it decreased to

  • a level of 24,2% in 1980. Additionally, the rate of agriculture on total export decreased in

  • this period; from 77,2 % in 1963 to 56% in 1980. But, it must also be mentioned that

  • the country beginning from mid1970s, it can be argued that during the period of four

  • Article Statistics