This study is specified in demonstrating the effect of one of our language phenomenan wich is called " Al itbae Al Haraki " i.e. " Vowel Harmony In Arabıc Language-Quranıc Readıngs ( Alqıra'at Alquranyah. The thesis is contented with those features of the language that have been effected by the vowel harmony and wich are caused or resulted because of the neighbouring ( AlTajawer ) of short or long vowels ( elif , waw , yae ) I . e . ( a , o , I ) and the neighbouring of vowel letters.
@article{2020,title={مظاهر الانسجام الصوتي في السياق اللغوي ( الإتباع الحركي)},abstractNode={This study is specified in demonstrating the effect of one of our language phenomenan wich is called " Al itbae Al Haraki " i.e. " Vowel Harmony In Arabıc Language-Quranıc Readıngs ( Alqıra'at Alquranyah. The thesis is contented with those features of the language that have been effected by the vowel harmony and wich are caused or resulted because of the neighbouring ( AlTajawer ) of short or long vowels ( elif , waw , yae ) I . e . ( a , o , I ) and the neighbouring of vowel letters.},author={Mohammed Aldughman},year={2020},journal={Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce-Yorum sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi}}
Mohammed Aldughman . 2020 . مظاهر الانسجام الصوتي في السياق اللغوي ( الإتباع الحركي) . Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce-Yorum sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi.DOI:10.17540/hy.v13i25.485
Mohammed Aldughman.(2020).مظاهر الانسجام الصوتي في السياق اللغوي ( الإتباع الحركي).Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce-Yorum sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi
Mohammed Aldughman,"مظاهر الانسجام الصوتي في السياق اللغوي ( الإتباع الحركي)" , Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce-Yorum sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi (2020)
Mohammed Aldughman . 2020 . مظاهر الانسجام الصوتي في السياق اللغوي ( الإتباع الحركي) . Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce-Yorum sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi . 2020. DOI:10.17540/hy.v13i25.485
Mohammed Aldughman .مظاهر الانسجام الصوتي في السياق اللغوي ( الإتباع الحركي). Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce-Yorum sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi (2020)
Mohammed Aldughman .مظاهر الانسجام الصوتي في السياق اللغوي ( الإتباع الحركي). Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce-Yorum sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi (2020)
Mohammed Aldughman. (2020) .مظاهر الانسجام الصوتي في السياق اللغوي ( الإتباع الحركي) Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce-Yorum sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi
Mohammed Aldughman . مظاهر الانسجام الصوتي في السياق اللغوي ( الإتباع الحركي) . Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce-Yorum sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi . 2020 doi:10.17540/hy.v13i25.485
Mohammed Aldughman."مظاهر الانسجام الصوتي في السياق اللغوي ( الإتباع الحركي)",Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce-Yorum sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi(2020)